Protecting Your Teeth from Holiday Risks

Urgent dental and holiday risks Protecting your teeth is vital! The holidays are here! The holidays are often such an exciting, happy, and joyful time! For many of us, we will get together – communing, reminiscing, and even celebrating – with family and friends a few to several times over the holidays. However, while this…

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Five Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

One of the greatest pleasures I have, both professionally and personally, is seeing the look on a patient’s face when they look at their spectacular, cosmetic dentistry-enabled smile for the first time. It’s difficult to put the picture and feeling into words. There’s a mixture of awe, amazement and even disbelief. And yes, not to…

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Common Dental Questions a Hygienist Hears at Lomita Torrance Dental

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you’ve ever wondered what type of toothpaste to use or why your gums itch, you’re not alone. Many of the patients we see have similar questions about their dental health. These questions are great and we’d like to share some of them with you so you can be better informed about your overall oral…

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What Happens if You Don’t Treat a Cavity?

Cavities have been a bad word for as long as they have had a name. It is no secret that the very thought of one may make your teeth clench in opposition to treatment. While the majority of people are familiar with cavities and know the treatment process, most do not know the process of…

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Most Effective Ways to Whiten Teeth

The best way to whiten teeth is one that is safe, cost-effective and works for you. Everyone’s teeth are different and there are different types of tooth stains, some of which respond very well to teeth whitening and some that don’t. If you have yellow teeth due to stains from food, drink or aging then…

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Top 7 Smile Improving Tips to Step Up Your Selfie Game

When you have a beautiful smile, you want to share it with the world and show it off in photos. With a few helpful tips, you can be sure that your smile is always camera-ready and that you’re proud to share your selfies and profile pictures. There’s nothing worse than having the perfect outfit and…

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Top 7 Questions to Ask Your Torrance Dentist

As a leading dental practice serving the Torrance, Lomita, and West Carson, CA areas, we’re proud to provide high-quality, personalized dental care to our patients, but we believe that in addition to in-office treatments, patient education is vitally important to a healthy smile. Read on to learn how to make the most of your dental…

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Tips to Keep Your Teeth Safe This Summer!

For many individuals, summer is their favorite season of the year. The weather is warm, the days are long, people are more outgoing and the atmosphere is generally comforting during summer. So, you can enjoy a vast variety of great outdoor activities, including bike riding, horse riding, volleyball, swimming and others. However, summer is also…

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The Importance of Dental Exams and Professional Cleanings

Cosmetic dentistry can give you the flawless, aesthetically appealing smile of your dreams, while restorative dentistry can return form, function, and health to teeth that have been damaged. The surest way to maintain a healthy, radiant smile, however, is to visit the dentist at least twice a year for a thorough oral exam and professional…

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What Do Cosmetic Dentists Do?

There has been a lot of talk lately within the Dental Industry of Torrance regarding the term: “Cosmetic Dentist” and whether or not it is a specialty (it is not) and whether or not Dentists are allowed to use this term in marketing (they are not). With all the confusion, we felt that the people…

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