Torrance Implant Dentist – Discusses Removable Dentures

As an Implant Dentist in Torrance, Dr. Teboul is well-versed in the importance and various methods of tooth replacement. While dental implants are typically the preferred method of restoring your smile’s function and foundation, not all patients are eligible for the surgical procedure, and removable prosthodontics, like dentures, may be their only choice. Luckily, that’s not…

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Dental Implants – Questions & Answers

Dental implants are human-made replacements for the root of a tooth. If a patient has broken or missing teeth due to injury, periodontal disease, decay, or congenital defects, a dental implant can replace a single tooth, several teeth, or the entire upper or lower jawline. Most modern dental implants are made of titanium and look…

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Sedation Dentistry Techniques: Pain-Free Dental Visits

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace single or multiple missing teeth, but the treatment does require a small surgical procedure. Unfortunately, here at Lomita Torrance Dental Office, we are aware that this does put off some people, and this is why we would like to reassure you that your implant treatment can be completely painless and…

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May Is Older Americans Month – A Reason To Smile

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]May is Older Americans Month, officially designated as a time to honor the enormous contributions people aged 65 or older have made to our society, communities and country. The original proclamation, issued by President John F. Kennedy on April 18, 1963 read in part: “This large segment of our population represents a great national resource of…

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How Can Dental Implants in Lomita Torrance Dental Stop Bone Loss?

Bone loss is a devastating consequence of tooth loss. The most common cause of bone loss is not replacing lost teeth, especially when there’ more than one lost tooth. This is because the health of the jawbone is preserved through constant pressure and when that is reduced due to tooth loss, the bone tends to…

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Five Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

One of the greatest pleasures I have, both professionally and personally, is seeing the look on a patient’s face when they look at their spectacular, cosmetic dentistry-enabled smile for the first time. It’s difficult to put the picture and feeling into words. There’s a mixture of awe, amazement and even disbelief. And yes, not to…

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General Dentist Vs Specialist – Who Should You See?

If you’re like most people, you know that general dentists and specialist are different, but you don’t know why. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two so you know which one is right for your next appointment. By now you’re probably familiar with who your general dentist is. As your go-to provider,…

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