What Minor Treatments Do Cosmetic Dentists Provide?

Cosmetic dental issues come in a variety of states. Some issues are more serious than others and require more work to fix the problem at hand. Other, more minor issues can be completed with less treatment and require less time in the dental chair but still provide optimal results that brighten your smile. In Torrance…

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Attention Men: Why Are You Avoiding Your Lomita Torrance Dental Visit?

The benefits of regular dental exams and cleanings are applicable to everyone from women and men to children. Yet, according to research, American women are ⅓ more likely to get preventive dental care than men. At our dental offices in Torrance we wanted to know more about our male patients, and even those who we may not yet…

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6 Common Misconceptions About Dental Health

During medieval times, people believed they could cure a toothache by driving a nail into an oak tree. Silly, right. Today’s Misconceptions Are Different. Maintaining good dental health is as simple as brushing and flossing two to three times a day and scheduling regular cleanings with your cosmetic dentist at Lomita Torrance Dental. There are, however, a…

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